One way to dodge this problem is to use the ratio between the retrievals of two tracers, so that the retrieval errors cancel out in the ratio. To improve our understanding of the global CH4budget, high quality measurements of its atmosphericmole fraction are needed with good resolution in space and time.The traditional ‘proxy’ method achieves this goal by multiplying the ratio of satellite retrieval of CH4 and CO2 with numerically modeled CO2 mole fractions to obtain CH4 mole fraction estimates. They provide constraints to the so-called inverse models, which are used to convert the mole fraction gradients into surface fluxes. Unfortunately, it is difficult to take continuous measurements on the ground in many regions of the world due to political or geographical limitations, leaving the models incapable of estimating the fluxes in these regions. Measurements made by sensors onboard a satellite platform can be a suitable source of information as they provide near global coverage. Therefore, it is recommended to follow a precautionary approach, to ensure that geologically scarce mineral resources will remain available for future generations. Based on the findings of the current research it is recommended to create an international agreement on the conservation and sustainable use…Complete your reference library in zotero or mendeley by. Many people may be in a situation where they have already invested a lot of time and money into a proprietary reference manager such as EndNote or Mendeley. I used Mendeley for a couple of years before it was bought by Elsevier, who have since moved toward commercializing the software.▼ Will the earth be able to keep on providing future generations of sufficient mineral resources, given the growing world population in combination with a growing GDP per world citizen? The research objectives were: To find out what geological scarcity means, which mineral resources are geologically scarce and how can the concept of sustainable rate of extraction be made operational To enable soundly-based recommendations to be made on whether humankind needs an international agreement on the conservation and sustainable use of geologically scarce mineral resources and, if so, to identify the key elements of such an agreement.